Why Now is the Best Time to Release Special Editions of Star Wars’ Prequel Trilogy

The sequel trilogy could use it, too!

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For an entire generation of Star Wars fans, the exploits of Anakin Skywalker and his eventual fall to the dark side of the Force are what define the franchise. From Episodes I to III and The Clone Wars film and TV show, the Star Wars universe expanded like never before.

While purists may prefer the adventures of Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance, Anakin’s journey from hero to tyrant was more personal, especially when witnessed gradually throughout the Clone Wars series.

With the entire franchise being acquired by Disney in 2012, the prequel trilogy stands as the final remnant of the original creator George Lucas’ vision for the Star Wars franchise. While the sequel trilogy may have been successful, it didn’t quite carry the same weight as the prequel trilogy.

The Mandalorian paved the way for Star Wars live-action shows to take center stage in the franchise, opening up more avenues for the stories of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to be told. With somuch love being poured into the prequel trilogy, we believe it's high time it receives the Special Edition treatment.

Alter Further

For those unfamiliar with the Special Editions of Star Wars, they were re-released versions of Episodes IV, V, and VI during the heydays of VHS. These editions served as a means for Lucas to enhance the trilogy into his ideal version of these films.

This involved the addition of computer-generated special effects and previously cut scenes to create a version of the events that were not feasible to produce during the initial releases of these films. It was also a great treat for fans as they could enjoy these films in an entirely new way on home video.

The results were mixed, as the Special Editions introduced as many problems as they fixed. Episode IV: A New Hope introduced Jabba the Hutt much earlier than in the original releases, and there was a contentious change in Han Solo’s character during his showdown with Greedo.

Ultimately, this release not only reintroduced the original Star Wars trilogy to a whole new generation of fans, but it also gave a glimpse into what Star Wars could become at the turn of the 21st century. This served the perfect springboard for the release of Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 1999.

Bad Batch

With a heavier emphasis on political manoeuvrings and computer-generated effects, the prequel trilogy was heavily criticised by older fans upon release. Some even lambasted the trilogy as the worst thing to ever happen to the franchise.

Once the initial frenzy died down and the prequel trilogy managed to resonate with the younger fans of the franchise, a much deeper appreciation for it soon emerged in the fandom. Interestingly, one can also observe a similar phenomenon occurring with the sequel trilogy right now.

In any case, love for Episodes I, II, and III is currently at an all-time high, with the fandom creating memes and the Star Wars creators themselves providing fan service. A notable example of this is evident in the fifth episode of Ahsoka and how it pays homage to what has come before.

Needless to say, the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano are just as revered as their original trilogy counterparts. Fans are eager for more time with these characters, and the opportunity to see the actors portraying them in live-action is what they truly desire.

New Dawn

So, what could be achieved with a hypothetical set of Special Editions for the prequel trilogy? Well, for starters, some previously cut scenescould be reinserted. This might include Anakin and Padme’s time together on Naboo in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, as well as an expanded opening of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

While these characters are now well established, enhancing their introductions could provide deeper insights into their personalities, which would enhance their later appearances. It could also canonize some of the cut content or offer a chance to retcon certain elements of the canon; even a brief mention of Ahsoka in Revenge of the Sith would be significant.

These Special Editions could serve the same purpose as Peter Jackson’s expanded editions of his Lord of the Rings trilogy, becoming the definitive versions of these films. The prequel trilogy could benefit from this treatment, making it more appearling for younger fans and providing a fresh perspective on this side of the series.

If this Special Edition is successful, a similar approach could be taken with Episodes VII, VIII, and IX, filling in the gaps that these films are famously known fore. This could lead to a more cohesive and satisfying narrative and potentially change how fans perceive this trilogy.

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